a DVD with the Spanish Wikipedia (was[Argentina] WikiBrowse improvements)
2010-07-07 08:59:38 UTC
Hi everyone. We need your help again.
We finally have a working mirror for generating the static html
version of ESWIKI we need for Cd-Pedia using DumpHTML extension.
But it seems that the process will take about 3000 hours of
processing in our little sempron server (4 months!).
I have in the past prepared a full ZIM file (with thumbnails) of WPIT and it tooks ~3 weeks (but not only the dumpHTML part of the process. also mirroring, optimizing, etc.).

I'm currently preparing something similar in French and Spanish. I'm doing that on a new server so I think this will take agains a few weeks. I should release a first version for both Wikipedias during August.

Pascal Martin
2010-07-07 10:01:28 UTC
Dear all,

Remember with okawix all the content of the wikimedia fundation are
available in offline with http://www.okawix.com


----- Original Message -----
From: <***@engelhart.org>
To: "Jimmy Wales" <***@wikia-inc.com>; "Hernan Olivera"
Cc: <***@gmail.com>; ""Iris Fernández"" <***@gmail.com>;
"Madeleine Ball" <***@printf.net>; <***@laptop.org>; "Alejandro J. Cura"
<***@gmail.com>; <Wiki-offline-reader-***@wikimedia.org>; "Offline
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<***@educ.gov.ar>; "Pomies Patricia" <***@educ.gov.ar>; "Patricio
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<***@wikimedia.org>; "Sean Moss-Pultz" <***@openmoko.com>; "Enrique
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Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [openZIM dev-l] a DVD with the Spanish Wikipedia(was[Argentina]
WikiBrowse improvements)
Post by e***@public.gmane.org
Hi everyone. We need your help again.
We finally have a working mirror for generating the static html
version of ESWIKI we need for Cd-Pedia using DumpHTML extension.
But it seems that the process will take about 3000 hours of
processing in our little sempron server (4 months!).
I have in the past prepared a full ZIM file (with thumbnails) of WPIT and
it tooks ~3 weeks (but not only the dumpHTML part of the process. also
mirroring, optimizing, etc.).
I'm currently preparing something similar in French and Spanish. I'm doing
that on a new server so I think this will take agains a few weeks. I
should release a first version for both Wikipedias during August.
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